dni: basic criteria, proship, nsfw, shtwt, edtwt, toya x tenma shipper, hate on l/n + mmj, ai art supporters, tsukasa/shizuku x leoneed member shippers, only likes pjsk men

byf: selective fb, not spoiler/leak free, multishipper, i mostly just tweet about pjsk, i ship m/f pjsk, sb to unmoot, will block if uncomfy

interests: pjsk, vocaloid, bandori, love live, milgram, kagepro, bocchi the rock, k-on, evangelion

artists: deco*27, harumaki gohan, tuyu + more

favs: leo/need, mygo, ichika, saki, honami, shiho, raana, tomori

ships: ichishiho, honasaki, poly/need, ichikana, honakana, emukasa, ruinene, polysho, polyvbs, nenetoya, mizurui, mizumafu, kanaena, minoharu, shizuai + more

silly oomfs <3
ruu, parker, kels, mocha, kiyara, ori, nia, rosemi, daisy, toki, rose, lythiya